Social EdVentures

Empowering Abilities Through Social Engagement

Social EdVentures was created after seeing a desire for social opportunities for many of our clients.  As two speech therapists, driven by a passion for fostering social connections and self-reliance in our clients, Social EdVentures was created. We started with a small group of older teens in a traditional setting and began exploring unconventional approaches. As we did this, we discovered our real-world learning approach enhanced success, increased involvement, and resulted in better outcomes.  Social EdVentures has allowed us to create "real-world learning" during authentic experiences while engaging in social learning as life happens.

Social EdVentures meets weekly by age range while participating in everyday community-based outings and meetups. These EdVentures have proven to fill in the gap that this community needs. We are most proud of the community we have built both with our EdVenturers and their families.

Sample EdVentures: 

Skills encouraged during outings:

Registration - Check our Upcoming Events page for info on current events and registration!

For more information on all of our current outings, please visit our  Facebook page!
